Welcome to my sandpit...

Projects I have undertaken that may be useful to others


This an R Shiny app to help laboratories verify the coefficients they select to calculate the albumin adjusted calcium concentration. Laboratories can submit their own laboratory data and gain insights into the distribution of the data, the effect of the adjustment equation on that data distribution, and the expected flagging rates for the chosen reference interval. Source code is available from GitHub


Bellview is a desktop tool to simplify the process for performing Bhattacharya analysis on large data sets for the indirect determination of reference intervals.

Version 2 has been substantially rewritten and includes the ability to import age and gender so that partitioning can be done within the application rather than forcing the user to do this before importing the data. Source code is available from GitHub.

Lab Calculations

This a simple page to perform a variety of laboratory calculations. I just wanted to try vue js and it seemed a suitable project for using reactive components. Source code is available from GitHub

© Doug Chesher 2023